These are the areas in which we excel in order to help you do the same.

Our Specialties

Vestibular and Dizziness Rehabilitation, and Balance Physical Therapy

Since 2017, our Physical Therapist has specialized in resolving dizziness and vestibular problems such as Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) and vestibulopathy. Have you had other treatments that didn’t really improve your vetigo, or helped but only temporarily? Following a comprehensive exam of your balance and vestibular systems, your therapist will educate you on her findings, and work with you to resolve any impairments you are dealing with. She will also provide instruction regarding what you can do at home to compliment your in-person care, and how to decrease the chances of the symptoms returning in the future.

Dr. Cassie Cook Performed Canalith Repositioning on a Client inside the Office.

Orthopedic, Pre-Operative, and Post-Operative Physical Therapy

Beginning her healthcare career with a post doctoral orthopedic residency, our therapists have actively specialized in treating neuromusculoskeletal conditions such as:

  • Neck, mid back, and lower back pain, weakness, or restriction of movement

  • Shoulder and elbow problems

  • Hip, knee, ankle and foot difficulties

  • Headaches

  • Return to sport and recreational activity

  • Specialized therapy for endurance athletes

  • Physical therapy to prepare a person for surgeries such as shoulder, knee, and hip operations

  • Post surgical care such including but not limited to: rotator cuff repair, shoulder replacement, hip replacement, knee replacement, meniscus surgery, arthroscopic surgeries

Whether you have had a recent injury, or are dealing with an ongoing problem, we can expertly tailor a program to help you reach your goals.

Preparing for, or recovering from, and orthopedic surgery? Our physical therapists have treated thousands of people before or after undergoing surgical intervention. We would love to compliment you and your surgeon, to ensure that your procedure results in your best possible outcome.

Physical Therapist stretches patients knee into flexion while patient is sitting on the side of a treatment table.

Manual, Skilled Hands-On, Physical Therapy

Our physical therapists hold advanced certifications in manual therapy, offering a deeper understanding of mechanics, and more tools to help our clients. Our team holds both a Manual Therapy Certification from the University of Saint Augustine, as well as a certification in Active Release Techniques. These certifications indication of our advanced hands-on skill in joint mobilization and manual techniques of the neck, back, sacroiliac joint, and upper and lower extremities.

At Bespoke, we provide a highly skilled manual therapy approach to physical therapy to aid in improving range of motion, quality of movement, and pain. Bespoke physical therapy is known for helping our patients reach their movement goals faster, and with less discomfort, than with more aggressive and less specific treatment methods our clients may have experienced in the past.

Dr. Cassie Cook stretches out a patient's neck while he is lying supine in the office.

Return to Run and Endurance Athletes

At Bespoke Physical Therapy, our team understands not only how to get you back on track, but also why it’s so important.

After a thorough evaluation, your physical therapist will provide interventions specifically chosen as a bridge between where you are now, and your performance goals. Whether it is our advanced manual therapy techniques, or expertly chosen exercises and drills, we want to get you back on course quickly and safely.

Dry Needling

At Bespoke Physical Therapy, dry needling is used, as part of a treatment plan, to treat pain and movement impairments. With this technique, our physical therapist inserts a thin filiform "dry" needle (a needle without medication)  into areas of a muscle.

Our certified Doctor of Physical Therapy, Dr. Holli Utama, utilizes this dry needle to stimulate underlying myofascial trigger points and muscular and connective tissues that would otherwise be unreachable. 

Dry needling can release or inactivate trigger points to relieve pain and improve range of motion. Studies suggest that dry needling improves pain control and reduces muscle tension. Research findings also show that dry needling can normalize dysfunctions of the motor end plates, from which nerve impulses get transmitted to muscles. This can help speed up the patient's recovery to get back to their daily activities. 

When choosing a physical therapist who is certified in Dry Needling, carefully consider the experience and skill of that therapist, as well as the environment in which this technique will be performed.  Dr. Holli Utama, has been utilizing Dry Needling as part of her practice for over 10 years.  When a patient is interested in Dry Needling and Dr. Holli feels it will be beneficial, she is able to treat in a one-on-one environment where she can give you, your tissues, and your rehab goals her undivided attention.

What People Are Saying

“I was referred to Dr. Cook after an orthopedic doctor diagnosed a hip joint injury that was preventing me from running, which is an activity that I love. Dr. Cook is an amazing therapist who helped me tremendously; she is both personable and knowledgeable. She put a lot of effort into making sure I understood the purpose of exercises that she had me do and didn't just tell me how to do them but showed me. I made a lot of progress over time and was back to running after a few months. Thankful”


“I broke my shoulder in July and was in a sling for over a month. When I could remove my sling, my arm had the range of motion of a T-Rex, meaning the only movement I had was in my wrist. My first impression of Cassie was warmth. She made me feel very comfortable and motivated to work. She never pushed me past what I was able and encouraged me to try new exercises. She listened to my concerns and strategized solutions. I saw her twice a week for four months and got full use of my arm back.” 


“Dr. Cassandra Cook has helped me tremendously in the months I have been seeing her for treatment. My range of motion in both knees has increased, and the pain decreased. She is incredibly knowledgeable in all aspects of physical therapy; and has also helped my neck/shoulder pain, TMJ, and vertigo issues with exercises I can continue at home. She is professional and personable, and I look forward to my treatment sessions.”
