The #1 Reason I Decline Potential Clients

I am passionate about everyone I work with receiving world class care.  That’s not hyperbole, it’s 100% my goal. My knowledge of vertigo and orthopedics, bolstered by years of practice, continued education, and a few certifications, makes me feel confident I can provide awesome outcomes to people with difficulties with these areas.

The number 1 reason I decline to work with a potential client: They need help that is outside of my area of expertise.

If someone has an issue that isn’t in my wheelhouse (for example someone who is experiencing incontinence, has had a traumatic brain injury, is experiencing TMJ dysfunction, needs treatment for lymphedema), I would much rather refer them to a local colleague than cross my fingers that what I am recommending helps. This doesn’t help my numbers in the short term, but in the long term building trust is far more valuable than pushing everyone into my door.

Are you interested in working with Bespoke Physical Therapy, but unsure if we specialize in what you need?  Reach out and schedule a complimentary consultation!  There is absolutely no risk, and a 100% chance I will give you my honest recommendation of who the best physical therapist in the area is for your needs (whether it’s Bespoke or elsewhere!).  I would FAR rather have 100 delighted clients than 1000 who feel so-so about the care they received, and working only in my specialty has been my path to just that.

For more information, updates hopefully a few smiles, please like and follow on social using the links below!


We are Moving- Downtown Bespoke Physical Therapy Office Opening August 1!


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