New Bespoke Physical Therapy Offering: Classes!

I have had the privilege to treat thousands of people following joint replacement surgeries.  I love working with these people because they are typically highly motivated, and I get to share in the celebration when they both small and large steps towards reaching their goals.

A huge part of working with people following joint replacement surgery is education.  Generally people are (understandably!) Fearful and confused about what they can do/ should be doing/ aren’t allowed to do, and express a lack of education on these topics prior to surgery.

After hearing this feedback over and over, I have decided to do something about it- implement a pre-surgical class series to fill this information void!  This series of classes are called “prep talks” and are focused around answering the questions people commonly have, so that they can head into surgery equipped with information, or decide to give alternatives to surgery a try if they haven’t already.

The format of these classes includes a presentation about anatomy, mechanics, a brief surgical overview, what to do before surgery, and what to do after surgery.  The class will also cover a few exercises that are often helpful to perform prior to surgery as well as an opportunity to ask general and specific questions.

Currently, Bespoke Physical Therapy’s “Total Knee Replacement Prep Talk” is live with the next upcoming class on March 2, 2024.  The ball is in motion to add “Total Shoulder Replacement Prep Talk” as well as “Total Hip Replacement Prep Talk” in the future.

If this sounds like something that will be beneficial to you or someone you know, please consider signing up ASAP!  Currently the class size is limited to 8 in order to allow for questions and discussion.


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